Part 9 ~ It’s Not Easy Being Green!: The Great Physician July/August 2016 We finally had Bean’s birthday party, as we had planned it prior to my surgery. My friend Rachel, a very talented baker, made her a cake, and we had our relatives and some of Bean’s friends over to help celebrate! A few
Part 8 ~ Home at Last!: More Provision! July 2016 It was so nice to be home. The couch became mine, as it was where I sat during the day and where I slept at night, at least for the first week or so til I could get in and out of bed without any
Part 7 ~ Infection!: Good Gifts July 2016 I hate hospital beds. They are so uncomfortable and always make my back ache. The pillows are never like my own at home. I remembered very quickly how it felt getting out of bed after my c-section. This was no different except for the scar being vertical
Caregiver Tips My name is Mary, Kris’s mom and Tiffany’s mother-in-law and live-in caregiver during this time. This list, to some extent, includes things I learned while I was a first responder, EMT, caregiver for my live-in in-laws, aka Mom & Dad, and helping, to some extent, while other friends cared for their parents. First,
Part 6 ~ Incision Time!: Peace July 2016 Surgery Day! My in-laws came down – Mary to take care of Bean, and Kert to be with Kris in the waiting room. My Pastor was going to be there with them as well. Dr. M. came to see me and go thru the usual questions such
Part 5 ~ A Different Kind of Vacation: Grand Parents June 2016 The day I left Dr. T., after she told us we were staying put, I called my in-laws, Kert & Mary. I hit the in-law jackpot with these 2! They were on their way home with their camper, from a 3-week trip to
Part 4 ~ It Takes a Village!: Provision June 2016 During the week of tests and doctor visits, our church held Vacation Bible School (VBS) during the morning. This worked out rather well as I did not need to find childcare for any of my appointments. My s-i-l, Jen, and other friends from church that
Follow my blog with Bloglovin Greeting Card Upcycle – 2 Ways! Do you still have greeting cards out from Christmas or another recent occasion (Birthday, Anniversary, etc.)? Hate the thought of throwing them away, but you are not one to hang onto paper memories and you don’t scrapbook? Then these crafts are for you! They
Part 3 ~ Finding the Silver Lining: Faith & Hope June 2016 I went for my ultrasound later the same day after I saw Dr. T. I was visibly upset when I arrived in the procedure room. The clinician noticed and did her best to get the information she needed to get started. When the
Part 2 ~ We’ve Got a Plan: His Plan March/April 2016 Around the time of my daughter’s incident, I had been feeling an odd sensation in the middle of the right side of my torso. It felt like someone was pricking me with a pin. It happened occasionally and I figured it was just poor