Hello! My name is Tiffany and I am so glad you dropped by! I am a Jesus follower, wife, mama, 3x appendix/peritoneal cancer survivor, crafter, crocheter, baker, Etsian, Independent Jordan Essentials Consultant, and watcher of Hallmark movies! I hope you can stay awhile so we can get to know each other!
How this blog came to be…
Dec. 4, 2018 I sat, yet again, pouring my heart out to God wondering how best to share my testimony of His healing. I was also trying to figure out how best to help with our family income as I have been a stay-at-home mom since our daughter was born. My husband was away on a business trip and my daughter likes to have sleepovers in our king size bed when he is away. It was that evening, after she was already in bed, that I was quietly sobbing and asking again for some clarity and a solution. I went to bed late and just sat there saying my evening prayers. I suddenly had a picture in my head of the front page of a blog, my blog. What you see on the home page is what I saw (only in black and white and the font may have been a bit different!). I wrote everything down as fast as I could so I wouldn’t forget. I sat there puzzled, not knowing what to do with it. I read blogs, I subscribed to several, but being a blogger was NEVER an aspiration for me. I only wrote when I needed to, and although I got a lot of compliments, I only did it out of necessity.
I didn’t say anything to anyone about this right away. I approached a dear friend who is a blogger and told her. I wasn’t sure at this point whether this blog was my idea or God’s. As I told others and my husband, they were all certain it was His plan and I started the process. I am no professional blogger, but the content you will find is original and I plan to grow my skills as I go.
I hope you will find something that will lift you up and encourage you or maybe get your creative juices flowing.
Blessings, Tiffany